Feeding guinea pigs

Just like humans’ guinea pigs need vitamin C to prevent scurvy, surely you two aren’t going to suck down a glass of OJ together every morning (well, I suppose you could teach them to drink from a straw).

Most guinea pig pellets have vitamin C included but you should still supplement with fresh veggies especially if your pellet food is losing freshness.

Guineas need veggies too just like you and me and what gives us gas (broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage) does the same for them. More and more I wonder where the term guinea pig came from. Maybe they are more like us than we think not necessarily just to try experiments on.

Green veggies like... spinach, kale, dandelion greens are good choices, nearly any vegetable you eat your guinea pig can eat too. Although avoid potatoes, can you say Atkins diet.

Be smart start with just a little bit of vegetable to make sure he/she can tolerate the new food, just like you would with a baby.

Well that’s it for today; I’m going to check out where the term guinea pig (for medical reasons) came from.

Be sure to visit Top Pet Pics eBay Auction for all your guinea pig supplies including feed, guinea pig beds, bedding, and cages.