Guinea Pig Vacation Tip

Unser Meerschweinchen / Our Guinea PigImage via Wikipedia
I read an article a few minutes ago about getting a guinea pig as a pet and the basics of taking care of your new animal. The author mentioned guinea pigs love to eat (don't we all!). Now I'm not saying they are party animals and will eat you out of house or home or anything like that but he brought up a good point, if you take a vacation or leave for a day or two you can't leave them alone like you could a cat.

Your cavy needs fresh food and water daily so if you need to get away for a few days and for some reason can't take your pet with you then you need to find a sitter or take your guinea pig to a friends or relatives house.

When you drop off your pet make sure you bring your own food as they may not know which fruits and veggies your guinea likes best, or worse feed him or her the wrong foods. It would be helpful a few days before you leave on vacation the sitter can come over and visit with your cavy and get to know them a bit.

If you would like to read the article that inspired this post you may view it here.
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