Guinea Pig Toys in a Jiffy

Having the same toy to play with can get kind of boring well the same goes for your guinea pig too. Exchanging their toys is a good way to give them variety.

In addition to toys made just for guinea pigs, you will also find that many items have been designed for rabbits and ferrets that your cavy can enjoy as well.

Of course, there is no need to go out to the local pet shops and collect toys for guinea pigs. Many of the items you have lying around the house would be perfect. Here are some ideas:

- Cardboard rolls - You know the empty rolls of toilet paper and paper towels that you normally just throw away. These are great toys for your Guinea Pig.

- Old clothes - socks, towels, shirts, even small ones can be added to your pet's cage so they can hide in them or use them as a pillow.

- Balls - guinea pigs love cat balls with a bell in the center, however they are not the best toys for your pet. A tennis ball will deliver the same fun, but safely.

- PVC - If you have old water pipe pieces around, you can put in the cage. Guinea pigs usually hide in it or push around the cage.

If you don’t have any of the above at home then head on over to they have lot’s of guinea pig toys, treats, and surprises for your little cavy.

Toys for guinea pigs