Should I Give my Guinea Pig a Bath?

While guinea pigs can be bathed they are very clean animals and generally do not need it. However, there may come a time when you need to give your cavy a bath, for example if they get lice or wind up getting into something they should not. Veterinarian's Best makes a waterless shampoo for small animals that needs no rinsing which is good for guinea pigs who can't handle a water bath.

Start with warm water and a gentle shampoo for small animals or baby shampoo make sure you support the guinea pig in the water. Avoid getting water and shampoo on their faces or in their ears. Get a good lather going and massage your guinea pig checking for any lumps or spots on their bodies that shouldn't be there.

Also make sure you rinse the shampoo off thoroughly, if you don't get it all it all out it can irritate their skin. Use a towel to dry your guinea pig and keep him or her warm until they dry completely.

Here's a video of a guinea pig that gets a bath once a month, and seems to enjoy it. This lady holds her guinea pig directly under the faucet and doesn't use a pan, that is entirely up to you.

Guinea Pig Exercise Ball are They Safe?

Are guinea pig exercise ball good for your guinea pig? In a word no. Guinea pigs lack the limber spine that mice, rats, and hamsters do. An exercise ball can injure their back, which means exercise wheels are also out of the question. You are probably wondering why people sell exercise balls if the are not good for your cavy. Some manufactures say you can use them to keep your guinea pig in while you are cleaning their cage. If you have a small guinea pig and a large ball it could work but you should consider getting a guinea pig travel cage or guinea pig carrier for safety’s sake to place your piggie in while they are waiting for you to clean their cage. Eventually your guinea pig will grow and I'm sure you don't want him or her to get hurt.

There are better ways to exercise your guinea pig. Alternatives to exercises balls are small balls with bells in them (think cat toys) your guinea pig can push around his or her cage and have a good time.